3 Days- 72 Hours
A lot can happen in three days. I could drive from my home in New Jersey to California in 3 days. In the New Testament Jesus told the Jewish populace at the Temple, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." It will take three days to have the hardwood floors in my home refinished. It never occurred to me that when I hung up the phone after chatting with Pat Killingsworth three days ago it would be the last time we would be chatting. Pat was a blogger, a mentor, an advocate, but most of all a dear friend. I met Pat several years ago at a Patient Ambassador training and grew to admire him the more I got to know him. Pat's mission was to educate the myeloma community. He accomplished that and much more through is blogs, books, speaking engagements and his beloved Beach Party. Pat was an unique individual. He put others above himself. He blogged EVERYDAY. Pat often pushed himself to publish a blog post from his hospital bed...
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