I'm sitting here in a fog. Everything seems so surreal. One of my good friends, and most dedicated myeloma advocate I know is fighting for his life. I feel helpless.
Having myeloma puts you on the ultimate roller coaster ride of your life. There are the highs of complete remissions and the lows of relapses. Then there are the big curves that you didn't expect. Life has thrown Pat a curve ball this time. Please #PrayforPat that he doesn't strike out.
I spoke with Pat Monday night. I knew he was having some set-backs, but his spirits were good and I thought this was just another detour in the road. He told me about his kidney failure and how he was going to dialysis almost daily. When I asked him if he watched the Super Bowl he joked that they came to get him for dialysis minutes before the game started so he watched the game hooked up to the dialysis machine. No chili or nachos this year.
Then Pat proceeded to tell me that he was having plasmapheresis also know as plasma exchange. He said that they suspected something called TTP to have caused some abnormality in his blood. The doctors at the hospital he was at were testing for TTP, but started the plasmapheresis since this is how TTP is treated. Pat joked that the plasmapheresis caused him to be shaky. He compared it to laying on a vibrating bed in one of those cheap hotels.
Yes, I knew Pat was having problems, but when I got word of the seriousness of his condition I was blinded sided. i thought they had to be wrong. I was just talking to Pat on Monday afternoon and promised to call him back on his birthday which is tomorrow.
I don't know what to do. Then I thought, "What would Pat do?" He would blog about it. So that is what I am doing. I'm not a blogger, I'm a Tweeter but I couldn't express how I was feeling in 140 words.
Love you Pat, Hugs and Prayers- Tweety Bird
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