Change of Plan
I'm sitting the the waiting room waiting for an infusion room chair to open up. It's a cold rainy snowy day. The kind of day you wish you stayed in bed. The myeloma roller coaster is taking off once again. My m-spike and IgG numbers are slowly inching up, at least by Labcorp results. My numbers from Mt. Sinai seem to be steady. So what do you believe?
My doctors disagree. One says stable disease while the other says I'm progressing very slowly. I guess it depends on which lab results you are following. As a patient it's very confusing.
My husband always believes in the more positive results. He still is somewhat in denial that I have cancer, even after 6 years. I tend to be more cautious. I would rather work on the assumption my disease is slowly progressing and make decisions based on these results.
With that said, my new approach is to increase my maintence dose of Velcade from once every other week to weekly - 4 weeks on 1 week off ,adding a little Dex to the mix to see what happens. In 5 weeks I'll have all my lab work done again SPEP, 24 hour urine, IFE, free-light and hope the numbers are stable or better yet decrease.
Put your seat belts on and here we go!
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