Movie Trailers and Myeloma
Today I went to the movies with a good friend. I always look forward to our girl's day out to see the latest flicks. We went to see Still Alice. Although it was sad I still enjoyed the movie very much. Julianne Moore definitely deserved the Oscar she won. I'll write more about the movie in another post. Today I want to focus on how I know I'm in a better place than I was 6 years ago. Six years ago I didn't enjoy going to the movies. Actually I dreaded going to them for several reasons. I had a hard time focusing. My mind would wander. If the movie didn't catch my attention I would start to think about all that was happening to me and what my future would look like. I would have a private pity party right there the theater without inviting anyone else. Focusing was not only an issue at the movies, I couldn't focus on reading a novel either. I would re-read the same page several times to try to comprehend what was happening, a...